Scrum@Scale: Strengths and Weaknesses of a Popular Agile Scaling Framework
Category: English
Practice: Planning fallacy
Are you tired of projects not running as planned? Learn how to avoid planning fallacy, a cognitive bias that causes people to underestimate the time, costs, and risks of completing a project, and achieve optimal project outcomes.
Practice: Dual roles
Dual roles, explicitly named or implicitly lived, are not uncommon. What speaks in favor, what against?
Scaling: SAFe: Pros & Cons
SAFe: Strengths and weaknesses of a popular agile scaling framework
Practice: Pre-Planned Sprints
It would be nice to be able to plan the future. Unfortunately, this is impossible on sprint level: At best it is a waste of time, at worst it additionally damages the understanding of Scrum, the priorities and the sense of responsibility in the team.